Hmm its been long time since I wrote a post.... phewww days fly by and we hardly know what change it has brought in our lifes....
Right now we (committee members) teased Chota Don for forgetting her mobile somewhere. Hope the mobile is safe somewhere :). Maama is busy listening to songs and working seriously as if he is gonna save this world from the alian attack as in Independence Day!!!
Yes Independence Day remind me of the Independence Day that we will be celebrating in another couple of days :) but that would be the last Independent Independence Day for Maama as he is getting married the very week :D.
Maama has been awarded with a "Star Performer" and we are yet to get a treat from him for that... as a matter of fact that was the one millionth two hundered thousand four hundered sixty ninth party pending from Maama... ufff donno when he will give us all those parties/treats :D
Neil is busy developing screens in silverlight as usual and Bill is working on the report and talking with don about her phone :D
Will be back with more updates :)